How do I share install times and discounts?
- Click on the ‘Share Install Times & Discounts’ button.
- This will display a dialog box where you can type in the email address of another Electrika Cloud user and click ‘Share’
- Once the user is added to the list they will have ‘Can Edit’ permission by default.
- ‘Can Edit’ permission means they can edit your install times & discounts.
- If you want to allow a user to view the install times & discounts but not edit them you can change their persmission by clicking on the ‘Can Edit’ link, which allows you to toggle between ‘Can Edit’ and ‘Can Read’
How do I use install times & discounts from other user?
- If another user has shared their install times and discounts with you, they will appear in the drop down list.
- Select the user whose install times & discounts you wish to use from the drop down list.
- When selecting another user you will be prompted for confirmation.
- This install times and discounts from the other user will then be displayed.
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